
My name's Matt Burchell and welcome to my Blog. The first thing to know about me is that I don't find it easy to write about me!

I grew up in suburb where London meets Kent. Growing up, life wasn't particularly extraordinary, I went to school, hung out with friends and studied Music Technology in college in the hope of pursuing a career as a musician or something as exciting.

In London I spent some years working in Theaters and Sound Suppliers until deciding that scrabbling around the floor beneath a dirty stage, running endless cables into hard to reach places was enough for me. In a spontaneous decision, following a visit to a friend, I moved to Brighton in the space of a weekend, quitting my job and moving to the vibrant city by the sea.

It was by far the greatest decision I've made, and have been rewarded generously. Never before had I felt this feeling of acceptance and sense of  being a part of a community. Having mostly worked in bars there,  I made so many good friends and met so many interesting people, many of which I hope will stay with me throughout my life. It goes to show that sometimes you must take a risk and make life happen.
In an effort to see and find out more about the world we live in  and where I fit in, I planned to travel for an undetermined amount of time. Equipped with these lessons learned and an open mind I got myself together, neglected to pack any creature comforts, had a teary farewell and set of on the biggest adventure of my life.

In the months I've been away from home, I've learned a great many things. I've faced personal challenges on an almost daily basis and am grateful for the experiences I've had in solving them. Along the way, I've met many travelers who mock the idea of a "spiritual journey" and I guess I'm one of them, but I've found that it's impossible not to grow and learn more about yourself when you're surrounded by cultures, languages and behaviours that often conflict with your own.

There are times I wonder if I've come so far only to realise what I was seeking was something I'd left behind, but there is always something to look forward to and a new challenge to be had. In moments like these, when I get a little homesick and yearn for something to eat other than rice, I take out my small jar of Marmite (which cost a small fortune in India) and apply liberally to hot buttered toast...